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2 common issues with field sobriety tests

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2020 | DUI Defense

At DUI stops, suspects often participate in sobriety tests so the police officer can determine if their inkling that the driver is impaired is accurate. The only problem is some of these tests aren’t always the best measures of sobriety in every case.

If you are facing a DUI charge, it’s important to review the directions the police officer gave you during these tests. It’ll also be essential to think about how why you might have performed poorly.

Incorrect directions

There are several rules and steps that guide the standard set of field sobriety tests. So, if a police officer doesn’t give clear instructions, then a suspect can fail a test. For example, to successfully complete the walk and turn test, a test subject must turn on one foot before walking back. So, if an officer told a suspect to turn around without mentioning anything about only using one foot, then they might note that the driver failed the test.

Health conditions

There’s also the potential that a medical condition deterred you from passing the sobriety tests with flying colors. Both the walk and turn and one-leg stand test require a suspect to channel their balancing abilities. However, there are many physical and mental health conditions that can throw off your balance. In fact, inner ear issues, vertigo or heart problems might cause you to lose your balance. Depression or anxiety can also cause you to hyperventilate or lose focus during the DUI stop.

It’s likely your inability to prove sobriety was due to a police officer’s mistake or a condition that you couldn’t control. Now that you might endure high fines and jail time, a criminal defense attorney can help you fight against faulty sobriety tests.



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