You Have A Right To Remain Silent. Before You Decide To Talk, Call Mike Winters.

Photo of Michael T. Winters

Aggressively Defending People Accused Of Child Abuse

In Pennsylvania, the ChildLine is a way of collecting information and concerns about the well-being of a child. This is also the way for child abuse concerns to be reported and sent to the appropriate agency for further investigation. When calls are made to the ChildLine, the information is taken very seriously.

If you have been accused of child abuse, you should immediately contact a criminal defense lawyer at The Law Office Of Michael T. Winters in Lancaster. Attorney Mike Winters has more than 25 years of criminal defense experience, including experience defending people who are being investigated for, or charged with, child abuse.

The Impact Of A ChildLine Report

Many individuals are considered mandated reporters, such as teachers, health care professionals, child care workers, first responders and more. They can simply call the ChildLine and report their concerns, triggering an examination of the situation. An investigation for child abuse can be emotional and overwhelming and can leave you fighting for your child. Criminal charges may be filed if abuse accusations are found to have some basis.

In addition to criminal charges, being indicated as a perpetrator of child abuse on the ChildLine registry will have a major impact on your life. If you are a child care service worker or school employee, or you work or volunteer around children, you will not be able to obtain the necessary clearances required for your job if your name is on the ChildLine registry.

Mike Winters can help you and has experience dealing with the police, child service agencies and the Department of Human Services.

Mike Winters Will Protect Your Rights

If you have been accused of child abuse, schedule a consultation with attorney Mike Winters by calling 717-584-1895 or by sending the firm an email. Mike will provide you with a strong defense against whatever charges you are facing.