You Have A Right To Remain Silent. Before You Decide To Talk, Call Mike Winters.

Photo of Michael T. Winters

Mike Winters: Dedicated To Criminal Defense

Getting arrested and charged with a crime in Pennsylvania can be a frightening experience for many because there is so much at stake. With a conviction, you could spend months or years in prison, have to pay expensive fines and lose your reputation in the community that you have worked so hard to build up. When the stakes are this high, you need an attorney who is responsive, one who will listen to your case. You need a lawyer who knows the criminal justice system and can get you results.

Attorney Mike Winters, of The Law Office Of Michael T. Winters, defends clients accused of criminal offenses. Located in Lancaster, Mike represents clients in South Central Pennsylvania. With decades of criminal defense experience, Mike brings a strong dedication to his clients. He will take the time to listen and work with you to create a smart defense strategy. He also will remain responsive to you and fight to protect your rights.

Why Choose Mike Winters?

Mike Winters has been a successful choice for many people charged with crimes in the Lancaster area thanks to his past experiences and substantial involvement in the legal community:

  • He has more than 25 years of experience as a criminal defense attorney.
  • He has intimate knowledge of the laws and procedures involved with arrests and charges.
  • He is a member of the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (PACDL) where he serves as the Vice President of the Eastern District and the Editor-At-Large of their quarterly publication, For The Defense.
  • He knows Lancaster County and its people, having grown up in Lancaster County.
  • He has been appointed to serve on several committees for the betterment of the criminal justice system, including the state-wide Investigative Division of the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Judicial Evaluation Commission and the PA Commission of Crime and Delinquency’s County Adult Probation and Parole Advisory Committee.
  • He is a Court-Appointed Hearing Officer for the Juvenile Court of Lancaster County
  • He is an active member of the Pennsylvania and Lancaster Bar Associations.

Mike Winters uses his experience, knowledge and tenacity to get you the results you need. For more information on Mike’s legal background, click on the following link:

Attorney Mike Winters

Protecting Your Freedom

If you have been charged with a DUI, drug offense, assault, or if you are involved in a Protection From Abuse of Childline case, contact Mike Winters today. Call him at 717-584-1895 or email the firm today.