In Pennsylvania, those who are charged with impaired driving for the first time risk serious consequences. If convicted of driving while under the influence (DUI), you could be ordered to participate in alcohol highway safety school, undergo substance abuse treatment, plus be subjected to up to six months of probation and a fine of up to $300.
Yet, the consequences of this ungraded misdemeanor are virtually nothing when compared to the potential consequences associated with a DUI conviction if the motorist in question was transporting a minor child in the car at the time of their alleged impairment. Under these circumstances, an alleged offender – even if they have no prior criminal record – could face up to five years in jail and a fine of not more than $10,000.
Looking ahead to a proactive future
By understanding the gravity of the consequences associated with a conviction of a DUI in the event that minor children are passengers at the time of alleged impairment, adults can make informed and proactive choices when transporting kids around town. Although having a beer at the ballpark is great and having “just one” at a big family get-together can be tempting, the risk of being cited for drunk driving when kids are traveling with you is just a risk that isn’t worth taking.
All too often, people learn about the aggravated nature of DUI charges related to the transportation of minor children after they’ve been charged with drunk driving. If you unintentionally drove with a slightly higher BAC than the law allows while a minor was in the car, it’s time to explore your legal options. Your situation is serious, but by seeking legal guidance from a seasoned legal professional, you’ll be better placed to seek favorable solutions than you would be if you were representing yourself.