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Can I face an assault charge for getting into a bar fight?

On Behalf of | Jul 12, 2024 | Criminal Law

Too many drinks on a night out can affect someone’s behavior and reactions, leading many people to exhibit violent tendencies they normally would not. If two drunk individuals bump into one another or just rub each other the wrong way, they may agree to settle things in the bar parking lot.

Even if both parties engaged in this behavior, does this mean you could face an assault charge?

You may be charged with a misdemeanor

In Pennsylvania, you could receive a simple assault charge if you and another bar patron enter mutual combat or get into a bar fight. You may face the following penalties:

  • A third-degree misdemeanor
  • A maximum prison sentence of one year
  • Up to $2,500 in fines

Meanwhile, if things happen more spontaneously and it is not clear who started a fight, you could also be at risk of a more severe simple assault charge. The penalties for this could include:

  • A second-degree misdemeanor
  • Up to two years in prison
  • $5,000 in fines
  • Probation

However, getting into a bar fight also carries the risk of disorderly conduct, harassment and public intoxication charges. It is also possible that more serious charges await if someone sustains serious or even fatal injuries during a brawl.

Bar fights can have personal consequences

Aside from legal repercussions, a bar fight could put you at risk of serious physical injuries. Your reputation could also suffer as a result which could negatively affect your relationships, career, or education.

Bar fights are no small matter. Getting into one can cause injury to both parties and may put you at risk of violent crime charges. Knowing the risks you may face if you get into one may be helpful in avoiding legal problems.



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