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Factors that may affect breathalyzer test results

On Behalf of | Nov 6, 2024 | DUI Defense

Have you ever wondered about the reliability of breathalyzer tests? Law enforcement typically uses these devices to measure blood alcohol content (BAC). However, some factors could influence their accuracy. Below are two factors that may affect breathalyzer test results.

Environmental influences

You might be surprised to learn that your surroundings could impact breathalyzer results. Temperature and humidity play a role in how these devices function. Extreme cold or heat could affect the sensor’s sensitivity. This could lead to inaccurate readings. Additionally, electromagnetic interference from nearby electronic devices could skew results.

Another environmental factor to consider is the presence of certain chemicals. This is especially true if you have recently been in an area with elevated paint fumes, gasoline vapors or other industrial chemicals. These substances might interfere with the test’s accuracy.

Physiological factors

Your body’s unique characteristics and conditions may also influence breathalyzer results. For instance, your breathing pattern matters. Hyperventilating before the test or holding your breath could alter the reading.

Medical conditions could be another consideration. If you have acid reflux or diabetes, these conditions might produce substances in your mouth that the device could mistake for alcohol. Similarly, certain diets, such as low-carb or ketogenic diets, could lead to the production of acetone in your breath, which some breathalyzers might interpret as alcohol.

It may be worth noting that the timing of the test may be crucial. Your BAC may continue to rise for a period after your last drink, so a test taken immediately after drinking might not reflect your peak BAC.

While breathalyzer tests are standard for measuring BAC, various factors may affect their accuracy. Understanding these factors and why they matter is crucial. Doing so could help protect you if you ever face DUI charges in the future.

If you find yourself in a situation involving a breathalyzer test, consider consulting an attorney for guidance tailored to your specific circumstances.



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