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Understanding cocaine law in Pennsylvania

On Behalf of | Mar 11, 2021 | Criminal Law

The laws on cocaine across the country differ significantly. While the possession and sale of cocaine is illegal in every state, state laws govern the severity of the penalties that offenders face, so it can be quite confusing to understand how the law applies to each state.

Therefore, if you possess or intend to possess cocaine in Pennsylvania, it is important that you take the time to understand how the law applies to you. Failing to do so could mean that you end up in trouble with the law. The following is an overview of how cocaine is governed in Pennsylvania.

The possession of cocaine in Pennsylvania

Cocaine is an illegal drug that is treated seriously under the law. This means that if a person is found with any amount of cocaine, they will face misdemeanor charges and up to one year in jail and may have to pay up to $5,000 in fines. Subsequent offenses are even more severe: They could lead to fines of $25,000 and up to three years in jail.

The sale of cocaine in Pennsylvania

If a person is found to be engaging in the sale of cocaine, they will face felony charges and up to 15 years in jail. They will also be ordered to pay fines that reflect their drug profit or up to $25,0000. They will face double penalties for a subsequent offense or if they sold the drug to a minor.

Defending yourself from drug charges in Pennsylvania

It’s possible to successfully defend yourself from drug charges in Pennsylvania. You may be able to show that the drugs were planted on your person, or that the substance of which you were found in possession was not an illegal drug. Don’t let a cocaine conviction ruin your future.

Make sure that you take swift action to defend yourself if you are found in the possession of cocaine in Pennsylvania.



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